As you may recall, tensions first started mounting between Denise Richards and the rest of the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" gang, including Queen Bee Kyle Richards, when Denise expressed displeasure at the ladies discussing the subject of a threesome within earshot of her daughters. Immediately, the ladies went on the defense and pointed back to Denise's past raunchy on-air comments and her prior film credits, including her role in the infamous, racy crime thriller "Wild Things," essentially calling her out for being a hypocrite. "My openness definitely bit me in the ass a bit," Richards revealed to the Washington Post about the aforementioned finger wagging. "It's a learning process. I went into the show just being myself, and I never wanted to try and play a part. I am who I am. People can believe whatever they want, but 'Wild Things' was not a documentary," she declared matter of factly.
Unfortunately things only went from bad to worse when Kyle hurled the infamous "ragamuffin" insult while attending a party at Denise's home — though not to the host's face. As reported by BravoTV, Denise only learned of the on-camera slight in real time along with the rest of the world. "I didn't know she had called me a 'ragamuffin' until I saw the episode," Denise revealed during an episode of "Watch What Happens Live."