Exclusive: Hugh Jackman In Talks To Return As Wolverine In Secret Wars

Giant Freakin Robot has now learned that Kevin Feige has had serious talks with Hugh Jackman about returning as Wolverine for Secret Wars. By Faith McKay | Published 2 years ago This article is more than 2 years old

Giant Freakin Robot has now learned that Kevin Feige has had serious talks with Hugh Jackman about returning as Wolverine for Secret Wars.

By Faith McKay | Published 2 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

When the Marvel Cinematic Universe finally adapts Secret Wars, it’s going to be an epic event that will rival even Endgame. The twelve-issue comic run is still considered one of the most impressive Marvel comics has ever done, and it includes a lot of players. The Marvel movies have always been free to pick and choose what they pull from their source material, but in general, audiences can expect to see the Fantastic Four, The Avengers, and the X-Men appear. So far, the head of Marvel, Kevin Feige, has been quiet about how that will be handled, though he is definitely thinking about it. It’s inescapable. Other creators for Marvel, like Russo Brothers, talk about it in interviews. So where is Marvel at with this project? After some work from a trusted and proven inside source for Giant Freakin Robot, we have now learned that Kevin Feige has had serious talks with Hugh Jackman about returning as Wolverine for Secret Wars.

Hopefully, Kevin Feige will be able to bring Hugh Jackman on board once the time comes. These talks will likely be pretty serious. We were unable to learn what was said during them, beyond what they’re about. It would be wonderful to know how big of a role Kevin Feige wants Wolverine to play in Secret Wars. After all, the cast on that one is bound to be huge. It’s likely that we can expect there to be more players than there were in Endgame. It’s entirely possible for Hugh Jackman to take on the role for a brief cameo. He appeared in X-Men: First Class in a scene that can be watched in all of 24 seconds.

That being said, Wolverine was always a pretty big deal for the X-Men. He’s a star player. It’s hard to imagine Hugh Jackman showing up in a project like Secret Wars and not being required to participate in some awesome fight scenes. That story has a lot happen in it, but the general idea is that a being known as the Beyonder has been watching the characters the same way audiences have. Beyonder brings them all to a place called Battleworld. Then they say, “Slay your enemies and all that you desire shall be yours! Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!” Then, everybody starts fighting. It’s hard to imagine Hugh Jackman showing up for Secret Wars without at least having to get his claws out. He’ll also probably have quite a few snarky lines, which would definitely be something for fans to look forward to.

Currently, no one knows when Secret Wars will happen. It feels far away. That Kevin Feige is already talking to Hugh Jackman says a lot about a couple of things. First, it suggests that the Marvel Cinematic Universe may use at least some of the original cast from Fox’s movies when the time comes. Since Disney acquired Fox, many have wondered whether all the characters will be recast. This is an interesting piece of information. It doesn’t necessarily mean that Wolverine and the others won’t be recast. Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine could appear through the Multiverse. That in itself is pretty interesting as the Marvel Cinematic Universe moves forward.

Second, Kevin Feige talking to Hugh Jackman at this early date suggests that Feige knows it will take a lot of convincing to get Jackman cast in Secret Wars. The two are known to be good friends. The actor has publicly said a few times that he’s done in the role, though many actors have said that and then returned. Today, we see actors return to roles they’ve been absent from for decades. Look at Michael Keaton returning to play Batman for the DC Extended Universe after 30 years. Surely, Kevin Feige knows that if he gets started early enough, anything could happen.

