With a timing of 24:09:34, Ashley Paulson, who finished third overall, beat Patrycja Bereznowska’s previous female record. Sadly, there was considerable disagreement regarding the result.
Many have questioned Ashley’s results due to her strong finishing split, a drug suspension, prior allegations of course-cutting, and observations made on the course. She is currently a professional athlete and a well-known iFIT trainer.
In 2016, Ashley was given a six-month suspension from triathlon competitions by the USADA. (USADA).
In Badwater, did Ashley Paulson cheat?
Despite the restriction and the potential for course cutting, Ashley arrived to Badwater with a perfect Ultrasignup resume. She has run all six ultramarathons and won each one.
In her longest race, she covered 100 miles. She completed the 2021 Pony Express Trail Run in 17:26:40. According to legend, the Pony Express moved fairly rapidly. Badwater is the name of The Toughest Footrace in the World.
Many people who were present at the race or related to those who were there sent her emails and letters. The observations of these people just serve to confirm the suspicions. She is currently required to keep these comments to herself, but if given the chance, I have no doubt that they would share them with the race’s organisers.
These observations, as well as the sources for them, are convincing when combined with the split data. They go beyond inferring how rested she appeared to be throughout. They have a better chance of being accurate than theories regarding how she wore her watch or that her pacemaker participated in part of the race.
tracking and doping investigation for the Badwater 135
Ashley Paulson, 34, tested positive for ostarine, a selective androgen receptor modulator, in a urine sample collected outside of competition on September 14, 2015. (SARM).
The USADA Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing, the World Triathlon Corporation Anti-Doping Rules, the International Triathlon Union (ITU) Anti-Doping Rules, and the United States Olympic Committee The Committee National Anti-Doping Policies has approved the World Anti-Doping Prohibited List and the World Anti-Doping Code, both of which forbid the use of SARMs.
Paulson used a dietary supplement that was later looked into, tested, and discovered to contain ostarine.
Given the limited suspension, USADA believed the use was unintentional even though we do not have doping rules and sanctions. The original rest period, which was 4 years long, was later shortened to 6 months.
Alyssa Paulson Earlier Scandal
Ashley Paulson, a triathlete from Pleasant Grove, Utah, received a 6-month punishment for violating an anti-doping rule after testing positive for a substance that was banned from a contaminated supplement, USADA announced today.
Ostarine, a selective androgen receptor modulator, was detected in a urine sample taken outside of competition on September 14, 2015, and Paulson, 34, tested positive for it (SARM). The International Triathlon Union (ITU), the World Triathlon Corporation, the USADA Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing, and the United States Olympic Committee National Anti-Doping Policies all adopted the World Anti-Doping Code and the World Anti-Doping Prohibited List, which forbid the use of SARMs. Paulson added another.
Paulson was advised of a provisional suspension on October 16, 2015, at which point her suspension time officially began. Paulson has been disqualified from any competition results attained on or after September 14, 2015, forfeiting any medals, points, or prizes as a result of the sample collection.